defrag 1.92.02 - changed map entities to accommodate for multiplayer games (cvar df_clientdependent_ents): func_door, func_button, target_delay, target_multimanager - added map entity target_speed - added map entity target_multimanager - added map entity target_store - added map entity target_restore - added map entity shooter_bfg (behaves as shooter_*_targetplayer's) - added map entity func_train_extended - changed checkpoint display sign - changed df_checkpoints so it defaults to mode 3 when no times have yet been established - added SURF_NOOB (disable OB) - contributed by w3sp - reverted default player model to Sarge in order to accommodate OA - fixed issue with dummy gametype callvotes defrag 1.92.1 - fixed up broken "don't change map" option for nextmap votes - fixed usage message for callvote map - callvote console message back in - added "mode" alias for callvote gamemode - fixed numerous issues with callvote gamemode - picked up flags are reset upon player respawn - removed CVAR_CHEAT from cg_gun# cvars - removed drowning sound effects when player damage is off defrag 1.92.0 - port to quake3 1.32 sdk (was built upon 1.29) - default player model changed to Slash - added cooldown to changeteam/respawn; self-kills trigger immediate respawn - added spectator lock df_spectatorLock to activate (def 0) must be explictely supported by the server with df_sv_allowSpectatorLock (def 0) - reintroducted timelimits and intermission for online games - introduced maps rotation with multiple choices instead of linear rotation cvar g_rotationFile (eg /g_rotationFile "rotation.txt"); map names must be separated by newlines. - added new vote system vote command accepts values from 1 to 8 (eg. /vote 3) server settings: g_allowVote, g_vote_allow_*